Spaying & Castration
Spaying and Castration are the surgical procedures that make your pet incapable of reproduction.
Spaying refers to the female and this is the process where the Ovaries and the uterus are removed by ovariohysterectomy.
Castration refers to the male and its the process where the testicles are removed.
Benefits of spaying and Castration on the health of the animal:
-Prevention of Uterine /ovarian cancer and infections as well as mammary cancer in females.
-Prevention of Prostatic Hyperplasia and cancer in males.
Effects of spaying and castration on the behavior:
-a significant decrease in spraying by male cats
-Calmer behavior in both dogs and cats
-reduction of aggression in male dogs
-sometimes we might have an increase of the body weight depending on the body type of the animal, the quantity of food intake and the activity level
Apart from the above mentioned we strongly recommend the above-mentioned procedures for a series of other reasons such as Unwanted pregnancies with possible complications ending in Cesarean sections and unplanned expenses, more puppies ending in the streets because of inability to find homes.
Surgical procedure: even though these are routine surgeries are in fact major surgeries that require correct anesthesia with proper analgesia and monitoring. A full blood check is usually recommended prior to surgery as every surgery, in order to ensure that the animal is healthy and capable of having an operation. After your pet will be examined, will be treated with preanesthetics in order to be intubated and connected with the machines that will control its blood oxygen/anesthetic gas levels, blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, etc. Surgery is performed under full anesthesia and strict sterile conditions.
Depending on wether male or female and the size of the animal the surgery itself might vary in duration. During the surgery, your pet will receive painkillers and will have a smooth recovery from the anesthetic. Same day your pet will be able to walk and taken home as if nothing happened, but the care of jumping or running should be taken for at least 10 days.